

class Mpls.Lsps.ConstrainedPath.Tunnels.Tunnel.P2pTunnelAttributes.P2pPrimaryPath.P2pPrimaryPath_.CandidateSecondaryPaths.CandidateSecondaryPath.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: Mpls Lsps ConstrainedPath Tunnels Tunnel P2pTunnelAttributes P2pPrimaryPath P2pPrimaryPath_ CandidateSecondaryPaths CandidateSecondaryPath State

This class represents state data.

Operational state parameters relating to the candidate

secondary path


A reference to the secondary path that should be utilised when the containing primary path option is in use

type: str

refers to: name

config: False


The priority of the specified secondary path option. Higher priority options are less preferable - such that a secondary path reference with a priority of 0 is the most preferred

type: int

range: 0..65535

config: False


Indicates the current active path option that has been selected of the candidate secondary paths

type: bool

config: False