


class Mpls.Lsps.ConstrainedPath.Tunnels.Tunnel.P2pTunnelAttributes.P2pPrimaryPath.P2pPrimaryPath_

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: Mpls Lsps ConstrainedPath Tunnels Tunnel P2pTunnelAttributes P2pPrimaryPath P2pPrimaryPath_

This class represents configuration data.

List of p2p primary paths for a tunnel


Path name

type: str

refers to: name


Configuration parameters related to paths

type: Config


State parameters related to paths

type: State

config: False


The set of candidate secondary paths which may be used for this primary path. When secondary paths are specified in the list the path of the secondary LSP in use must be restricted to those path options referenced. The priority of the secondary paths is specified within the list. Higher priority values are less preferred - that is to say that a path with priority 0 is the most preferred path. In the case that the list is empty, any secondary path option may be utilised when the current primary path is in use

type: CandidateSecondaryPaths


Top-level container for include/exclude constraints for link affinities

type: AdminGroups