

class NetworkInstances.NetworkInstance.Protocols.Protocol.Isis.Levels.Level.LinkStateDatabase.Lsp.Tlvs.Tlv.RouterCapabilities.Capability.Subtlvs.Subtlv.SegmentRoutingCapability.SrgbDescriptors.SrgbDescriptor.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: NetworkInstances NetworkInstance Protocols Protocol Isis Levels Level LinkStateDatabase Lsp Tlvs Tlv RouterCapabilities Capability Subtlvs Subtlv SegmentRoutingCapability SrgbDescriptors SrgbDescriptor State

This class represents state data.

State parameters of the SR range


Number of SRGB elements. The range value MUST be greater than 0

type: int

range: 0..4294967295

config: False


The first value of the SRGB when expressed as an MPLS label

type: union of the below types:

type: int

range: 16..1048575

type: MplsLabel

config: False