

class TerminalDevice.LogicalChannels.Channel.Otn.State.Esnr

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: TerminalDevice LogicalChannels Channel Otn State Esnr

This class represents state data.

Electrical signal to noise ratio. Baud rate

normalized signal to noise ratio based on

error vector magnitude in dB with two decimal

precision. Values include the instantaneous, average,

minimum, and maximum statistics. If avg/min/max

statistics are not supported, the target is expected

to just supply the instant value


The instantaneous value of the statistic

type: Decimal64

range: -92233720368547758.08..92233720368547758.07

config: False

units: dB


The arithmetic mean value of the statistic over the time interval

type: Decimal64

range: -92233720368547758.08..92233720368547758.07

config: False

units: dB


The minimum value of the statistic over the time interval

type: Decimal64

range: -92233720368547758.08..92233720368547758.07

config: False

units: dB


The maximum value of the statistic over the time interval

type: Decimal64

range: -92233720368547758.08..92233720368547758.07

config: False

units: dB


If supported by the system, this reports the time interval over which the min/max/average statistics are computed by the system

type: int

range: 0..18446744073709551615

config: False


The absolute time at which the minimum value occurred. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)

type: int

range: 0..18446744073709551615

config: False


The absolute time at which the maximum value occurred. The value is the timestamp in nanoseconds relative to the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)

type: int

range: 0..18446744073709551615

config: False