
class ydk.models.ietf.ietf_ip.IpAddressOrigin

IpAddressOrigin (Enum Class)

The origin of an address.

other = 0

None of the following.

static = 1

Indicates that the address has been statically

configured - for example, using NETCONF or a Command Line


dhcp = 2

Indicates an address that has been assigned to this

system by a DHCP server.

link_layer = 3

Indicates an address created by IPv6 stateless

autoconfiguration that embeds a link-layer address in its

interface identifier.

random = 4

Indicates an address chosen by the system at

random, e.g., an IPv4 address within 169.254/16, an

RFC 4941 temporary address, or an RFC 7217 semantically

opaque address.