

class NetworkInstances.NetworkInstance.Protocols.Protocol.Isis.Levels.Level.LinkStateDatabase.Lsp.Tlvs.Tlv.MtIsn.Neighbors.Neighbor.Instances.Instance.Subtlvs.Subtlv.ExtendedAdminGroup.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: NetworkInstances NetworkInstance Protocols Protocol Isis Levels Level LinkStateDatabase Lsp Tlvs Tlv MtIsn Neighbors Neighbor Instances Instance Subtlvs Subtlv ExtendedAdminGroup State

This class represents state data.

State parameters of sub-TLV 14.


The extended-admin-group sub-TLV is used in addition to the Administrative Groups when it is desirable to make more than 32 colors available for advertisement in a network

type: list of int

range: 0..4294967295

config: False