

Enum Classes

class TerminalDevice.LogicalChannels.Channel.LogicalChannelAssignments.Assignment.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: TerminalDevice LogicalChannels Channel LogicalChannelAssignments Assignment State

This class represents state data.

Operational state data for tributary assignments


Index of the current logical client channel to tributary mapping

type: int

range: 0..4294967295

config: False


Name assigned to the logical client channel

type: str

config: False


Each logical channel element may be assigned to subsequent stages of logical elements to implement further grooming, or can be assigned to a line-side optical channel for transmission. Each assignment also has an associated bandwidth allocation

type: AssignmentType

config: False


Reference to another stage of logical channel elements

type: int

range: 0..4294967295

refers to: index

config: False


Reference to the line-side optical channel that should carry the current logical channel element. Use this reference to exit the logical element stage

type: str

refers to: name

config: False


Allocation of the logical client channel to the tributary or sub-channel, expressed in Gbps. Please note that if the assignment is to an OTN logical channel, the allocation must be an integer multiplication to tributary-slot-granularity of the OTN logical channel

type: Decimal64

range: -9223372036854775.808..9223372036854775.807

config: False

units: Gbps


Indicates the first tributary slot index allocated to the client signal or logical channel in the assignment. Valid only when the assignment is to an OTN logical channel

type: int

range: -2147483648..2147483647

config: False


Logical channel mapping procedure. Valid only when the assignment is to an OTN logical channel

type: one of the below values: AMP

config: False