


class Lldp.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: Lldp State

This class represents state data.

Operational state data


System level state of the LLDP protocol

type: bool

config: False

default value: true


System level hello timer for the LLDP protocol

type: int

range: 0..18446744073709551615

config: False

units: seconds


Indicates whether the local system should suppress the advertisement of particular TLVs with the LLDP PDUs that it transmits. Where a TLV type is specified within this list, it should not be included in any LLDP PDU transmitted by the local agent

type: one of the below values: list of

config: False


The system name field shall contain an alpha-numeric string that indicates the system’s administratively assigned name. The system name should be the system’s fully qualified domain name. If implementations support IETF RFC 3418, the sysName object should be used for this field

type: str

length: 0..255

config: False


The system description field shall contain an alpha-numeric string that is the textual description of the network entity. The system description should include the full name and version identification of the system’s hardware type, software operating system, and networking software. If implementations support IETF RFC 3418, the sysDescr object should be used for this field

type: str

length: 0..255

config: False


The Chassis ID is a mandatory TLV which identifies the chassis component of the endpoint identifier associated with the transmitting LLDP agent

type: str

config: False


This field identifies the format and source of the chassis identifier string. It is an enumerator defined by the LldpChassisIdSubtype object from IEEE 802.1AB MIB

type: ChassisIdType

config: False


Global LLDP counters

type: Counters

config: False