

Enum Classes

class Mpls.SignalingProtocols.RsvpTe.Sessions.Session.State.SenderTspec

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: Mpls SignalingProtocols RsvpTe Sessions Session State SenderTspec

This class represents state data.

Operational state statistics relating to the SENDER_TSPEC

received for the RSVP session


The rate at which the head-end device generates traffic, expressed in bytes per second

type: str

length: 4..4

config: False

units: Bps


The size of the token bucket that is used to determine the rate at which the head-end device generates traffic, expressed in bytes per second

type: str

length: 4..4

config: False

units: bytes per second


The maximum traffic generation rate that the head-end device sends traffic at

type: union of the below types:

type: str

length: 4..4

type: PeakDataRate

config: False

units: bytes per second