



Enum Classes

class ModulesState.Module

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: ModulesState Module

This class represents state data.

Each entry represents one revision of one module

currently supported by the server.


The YANG module or submodule name

type: str

pattern: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]*

config: False


The YANG module or submodule revision date. A zero-length string is used if no revision statement is present in the YANG module or submodule

type: union of the below types:

type: str

pattern: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}

type: str

length: 0..0

config: False


Contains a URL that represents the YANG schema resource for this module or submodule. This leaf will only be present if there is a URL available for retrieval of the schema for this entry

type: str

config: False


The XML namespace identifier for this module

type: str

mandatory: True

config: False


List of YANG feature names from this module that are supported by the server, regardless of whether they are defined in the module or any included submodule

type: list of str

pattern: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]*

config: False


List of YANG deviation module names and revisions used by this server to modify the conformance of the module associated with this entry. Note that the same module can be used for deviations for multiple modules, so the same entry MAY appear within multiple ‘module’ entries. The deviation module MUST be present in the ‘module’ list, with the same name and revision values. The ‘conformance-type’ value will be ‘implement’ for the deviation module

type: list of Deviation

config: False


Indicates the type of conformance the server is claiming for the YANG module identified by this entry

type: ConformanceType

mandatory: True

config: False


Each entry represents one submodule within the parent module

type: list of Submodule

config: False