

class NetworkInstances.NetworkInstance.Protocols.Protocol.Isis.Levels.Level.LinkStateDatabase.Lsp.Tlvs.Tlv.MtIsisNeighborAttribute.Neighbors.Neighbor.Instances.Instance.Subtlvs.Subtlv.MaxLinkBandwidth.State

Bases: Entity

Class Hierarchy: NetworkInstances NetworkInstance Protocols Protocol Isis Levels Level LinkStateDatabase Lsp Tlvs Tlv MtIsisNeighborAttribute Neighbors Neighbor Instances Instance Subtlvs Subtlv MaxLinkBandwidth State

This class represents state data.

State parameters of sub-TLV 9.


The maximum bandwidth that can be used on this link in this direction (from the system originating the LSP to its neighbors). It is encoded in 32 bits in IEEE floating point format. The units are bytes (not bits!) per second

type: str

length: 4..4

config: False

units: bytes per second